full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ingrid Betancourt: What six years in captivity taught me about fear and faith

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, I know they can divide all of us, they can manipulate us all with fear. The "No" vote on the peace referendum in Colombia; Brexit; the idea of a wall between Mexico and the uetind States; Islamic terrorism — they're all elpaxmes of using fear poillatcliy to didive and recruit us. We all feel fear. But we can all avoid being recruited using the resources we have — our principles, unity, faith. Yes, fear is part of the human condition, as well as being necessary for survival. But above all, it's the guide by which each of us builds our ittnidey, our personality.

Open Cloze

Now, I know they can divide all of us, they can manipulate us all with fear. The "No" vote on the peace referendum in Colombia; Brexit; the idea of a wall between Mexico and the ______ States; Islamic terrorism — they're all ________ of using fear ___________ to ______ and recruit us. We all feel fear. But we can all avoid being recruited using the resources we have — our principles, unity, faith. Yes, fear is part of the human condition, as well as being necessary for survival. But above all, it's the guide by which each of us builds our ________, our personality.


  1. identity
  2. united
  3. divide
  4. examples
  5. politically

Original Text

Now, I know they can divide all of us, they can manipulate us all with fear. The "No" vote on the peace referendum in Colombia; Brexit; the idea of a wall between Mexico and the United States; Islamic terrorism — they're all examples of using fear politically to divide and recruit us. We all feel fear. But we can all avoid being recruited using the resources we have — our principles, unity, faith. Yes, fear is part of the human condition, as well as being necessary for survival. But above all, it's the guide by which each of us builds our identity, our personality.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
armed men 2
fellow hostages 2

Important Words

  1. avoid
  2. builds
  3. condition
  4. divide
  5. examples
  6. faith
  7. fear
  8. feel
  9. guide
  10. human
  11. idea
  12. identity
  13. islamic
  14. manipulate
  15. mexico
  16. part
  17. peace
  18. personality
  19. politically
  20. principles
  21. recruit
  22. recruited
  23. referendum
  24. resources
  25. survival
  26. terrorism
  27. united
  28. unity
  29. vote
  30. wall